Links to Required Book and Videos
**WAYNE** All links are entered correctly here for tracking purposes, but you can put them elsewhere if you wish. Just don't make that section with the coupon and my email public. Maybe put it in another lecture (Coupon and support) if you want to make the links public as part of the preview.
You can buy the books and Videos from Everything Wing Chun. Use Coupon Code TEACH10 for 10% off any of my books or videos. If you need any help, just contact [email protected] (or the staff at Everything Wing Chun) and mention that you are a student here.
The direct link for each book:
The Wing Chun Compendium Vol 1 (required)
The Wing Chun Compendium Vol 2 (required)
An Approach to Ip Man Style Wing Chun (Signed) (not required)
The direct link for all the videos, but I recommend the Maximum Learning Bundle:
Wing Chun University Download Store for Sifu Wayne Belonoha